Under happy star / Pod šťastnou hviezdou
curator: Matúš Novosad
14.september – 6.october 2023
Pop-up v Art Books Coffee
Bratislava 6/B, Bratislava 81103, Slovakia
Seriousness aside. The point here is that they met under an apple tree. Some would call it an apple tree, but for Nora it is clearly an apple tree! He looks back and sees himself in the reflection: I don’t look like myself, he acknowledges, but continues on. What does he do? Cleans the ground. She picks up one by one, one by one, to finally collect the whole garden. He jumps the fence, runs away. It does not slip, but falls, just like a pear, i.e. an apple, i.e. a key from a lock, when it slams the door hard. He raises his eyes, jesus maria, mushrooms everywhere. Clinging to her body, as if they were forcefully touching her until they felt she couldn’t move anymore. They sell information, they sell information. Even the third mushroom from the top, the fourth from the right and the bottom one from the village three villages further knows what happened. The hole rises, slimes like the biggest earthworm in the forest. He can feel the legs and paws of a cat he doesn’t know yet. It’s going to get dull. She doesn’t know if anything better than the apples could happen to her, will she go back to them? She still has to sneak around so that no one notices her. See you again. Is that her? Not! That’s her past self, that doesn’t apply. So he heads west. There he finds happiness.
Happiness? Does anyone still use that as an actual word in the dictionary? Nora laughs. Then he steps forward, shrugs his shoulders, wipes himself off, the crown thrown on the ground. He picks it up, it’s actually a euro. He shrugs his shoulders, jumps up, cheers, can continue on his way.
The cat flies in space, returns tomorrow. Do you have lunch ready? Canned cucumbers too? Grandma asks. The cat is planted on pickles and potato salad. As a side dish, she usually offers herself a piece of oatmeal. Grandma doesn’t understand, but whatever. After all, the granddaughters must get what they deserve. The universe is slowly shrinking, the chances of landing one in a million to hit. It hits. The cat has returned from space. He walks through the streets as if nothing happened. After all, it was anyway. She saw what she already knew. Round shapes, appliqués on blankets and plastic slippers.
Nora meets a cat. Under the apple tree, as we talked about at the beginning. One carries apples, the other mushrooms from the planet. It is not clear exactly which planet it was. In that program, they didn’t write which one we would land on, says the cat. Nora asks differently. Mushrooms? But of course there were apples. The cat categorically nods its head. Mushrooms are everywhere. Nora looks down at her stomach in disgust, they are still spread out on her. The cat smiles. She didn’t expect Nora to welcome her like this. She asks if he is heading her way. He’s supposed to be going, but he doesn’t have a way now, so maybe another time, but the cat is impossible. She wanted to ask if Nora was happy. Nora can’t hear, she’s solving a new crown. The cat would try again, but she’d rather leave Nora with the apples. Maybe they give her a sense of self-worth. Even though she only heard the word once, she says it to herself and leaves to see her grandmother. Self-worth.
Colors happen quickly.
Mushrooms grow after rain.
I can go anywhere, anytime, with anyone, but I never want to.
I can not.
Is the dream just happening to me? Or all at once? Do we dream together?
The universe started yesterday, all the best universe.
Nora and the cat have a lot in common. For example, they attend the same school. Now is not the time to explain how it will all be, but the main thing is that they will meet again. Nora won’t wait long, she sends the cat into space, because it starts to get on her nerves, and the cat can’t stand Nora, because she will keep talking only about her apples.
They both look up. It is no coincidence that they always stand under a lucky star, which none of them can see.
2023, Diana Dzurilová.
Under happy star / Pod šťastnou hviezdou
kurátor: Matúš Novosad
14.september – 6.október 2023
Pop-up v Art Books Coffee
Bratislava 6/B, Bratislava 81103, Slovakia
Vážnosť bokom. Ide tu jednuducho o to, že sa stretli pod jablčníkom. Niekto by to nazval jabloň, no pre Noru ide jednoznačne o jablčník! Obzrie sa a uvidí sa v odraze: Nepodobám sa na seba, uzná, ale pokračuje ďalej. Čo robí? Upratuje zem. Zdvíha jedno po jednom, druhé po druhom, aby nakoniec pozbierala celú záhradu. Preskočí plot, uteká. Nepošmykne sa, ale padá, rovno ako hruška, teda jablko, teda kľúčik zo zámku, keď silno tresne dverami. Zodvihne oči, ježišmária, všade samé huby. Prilepené na jej tele, akoby sa jej nasilu dotýkali, kým nezacítia, že viac sa pohnúť nedá. Predávajú si informácie, predávajú si informácie. Už aj tretia huba zhora, štvrtá sprava a dolná z dediny o tri dediny ďalej vie, čo sa stalo. Nora sa dvíha, slizká ako najväčšia dážďovka v lese. Precíti nohy aj labky mačky, ktorú zatiaľ nepozná. Otrepe sa. Nevie, či by sa jej mohlo stať niečo lepšie ako tie jablká, vráti sa k nim? Musí sa ešte preplaziť, aby si ju nikto nevšimol. Uvidí sa zas. To je ona? Nie! To je jej minulé ja, to neplatí. Takže sa vyberie smerom na západ. Tam nájde šťastie.
Štastie? To ešte niekto používa ako reálne slovo v slovníku? Nora sa zasmeje. Potom vykročí ďalej, pokrčí ramená, vystrie sa, na zemi pohodená koruna. Zdvihne ju, vlastne ide o euro. Pokrčí ramená, vyskočí, zajasá, môže pokračovať v ceste.
Mačka letí vo vesmíre, vracia sa zajtra. Nachystaný obed máte? Aj zavárané uhorky? Pýta sa babka. Mačka je totiž vysadená na kyslé uhorky a zemiakový šalát. Ako prílohu si väčšinou ponúkne sama dať kúsok ovsenej kaše. Babka to nechápe, ale čo už. Vnučky musia predsa dostať, čo im je súdené. Vesmír sa pomaly zmršťuje, šance prístátia jedna ku miliónu, že sa trafí. Trafí sa. Mačka sa vrátila z vesmíru. Prechádza po uliciach akože sa nič nestalo. Veď to aj tak bolo. Videla, čo už vedela. Okrúhle tvary, nášivky na dekách aj kahance z umelej hmoty.
Nora stretne mačku. Pod jablčníkom ako sme si hovorili na začiatku. Jedna nosí jablká, druhá huby z planéty. Nie je presne jasné, o akú planétu to išlo. V tom programe nepísali, na akú pristaneme, hovorí mačka. Nora sa pýta iné. Huby? Ale jasné, že tam boli jablká. Mačka kategoricky kýve hlavou. Huby sú všade. Nora sa znechutene pozrie na svoje brucho, ešte stále sú rozpľasnuté na nej. Mačka sa usmeje. Nečakala, že Nora ju takto privíta. Spýta sa, či ide jej smerom. Vraj ide, ale nemá teraz cestu, tak možno inokedy, ale mačka sa nedá. Chcela sa opýtať, či je Nora šťastná. Nora nepočuje, rieši novú korunu. Mačka by to skúsila znova, ale radšej Noru nechá s jalbkami. Možno jej dávajú pocit sebahodnoty. Aj keď to slovo počula iba raz, tak si ho povie sama pre seba a odchádza za babkou. Sebahodnota.
Farby sa dejú rýchlo.
Huby rastú po daždi.
Môžem ísť hocikam, hocikedy, s hocikým, ale nikdy sa mi nechce.
Zdá sa sen iba mne? Či všetkým naraz? Snívame spolu?
Vesmír začal včera, všetko najlepšie vesmír.
Nora a mačka majú veľa spoločného. Napríklad navštevujú tú istú školu. Teraz už nie je čas vysvetľovať ako to všetko bude, ale hlavné je, že sa opäť stretnú. Nora nebude dlho čakať, mačku pošle do vesmíru, lebo jej začne liezť na nervy a mačka nevydrží Noru, lebo stále bude hovoriť len o svojich jablkách.
Obe sa pozrú hore. Nie je náhoda, že stoja vždy pod šťastou hviezdou, ktorú ale ani jedna z nich nevidí.
2023, Diana Dzurillová.